Аудиозапись, на которой жена украинского агента инструктирует его по поводу подготовки теракта в отношении высокопоставленных военных Министерства обороны России, опубликовала Федеральная служба безопасности (ФСБ) РФ, пишет «Российская газета»
The main idea of the text is that the FSB has released an audio recording of an intercepted conversation where a Ukrainian agent's wife instructs him on how to carry out a terrorist attack against high-ranking Russian Ministry of Defense officials.
The text details the agent's background, his motivation for collaborating with Ukrainian intelligence, and the specific details of the planned attack as revealed in the recording.
The main idea of the text is that the FSB has released an audio recording of an intercepted conversation where a Ukrainian agent's wife instructs him on how to carry out a terrorist attack against high-ranking Russian Ministry of Defense officials. The text details the agent's background, his motivation for collaborating with Ukrainian intelligence, and the specific details of the planned attack as revealed in the recording.